Out with my mom…


Today I went to a Christmas Bazaar with my mom and dressed fairly casual. I wore jeans with a black tank top, a plaid shirt, a purple vest and a nice long thin scarf that matched the vest. I felt pretty good in this outfit. Didn’t get any compliments though so not sure what others thought.

I have to say, this is fun to be able to pour my heart out to complete strangers here on this blog. I don’t know if I am the only one who feels this way, but so often when I get dressed in the morning I feel awful about myself. A few days though, I must wake up in a different mood and I feel good about myself when I look in the mirror.  Not sure if it is just the clothes that make the difference or if it is the way I feel each day. Another revelation is that I see myself very different in the mirror than I look on pictures. I am not going to lie that these pictures can be very hard for me to post, but I decided to make myself vulnerable and share with others the outfits I choose anyway.

Well, this has been somewhat of a lazy long weekend… I am trying to just take it easy and relax a bit before going back to work on Monday.

Thank you,
