Back to reality after a long break for the holidays…

Hello everyone,

So yesterday it was time to go back to work after the 4-day holiday weekend.  I did get a lot of compliments on my clothes. To be more specific, I had a student tell me I looked like I was going to be in a music video. I thought that was cool! I am wearing a new pair of pants that I got at the Christmas Bazaar. It is super comfortable and it looks nice, they hold my belly in too. he brand is Nygård Style Direct. It is worth checking it out. These ones have a faux leather front that made it very stylish. I paired it with my booties I shared a few posts ago and the scarf is my favorite because it has a story behind it. I also got it at the Bazaar and it was made by a victim of sex trafficking that is now a refugee in Nepal. This lady teaches these girls so they can make a living now that they are not welcome in society anymore. I ended up buying three scarves and will be posting them as I wear them. I got so many compliments on this scarf too. I like it because it is very long and it flows well.

Today, I turned to my Melissa rain boots since it rained all day long. I wore one of my LulaRoe leggings, a sleeves mustard yellow dress with a blue scarf. I know what you are thinking, mustard yellow and cobalt blue, really? Well, the leggings actually have both colors on them so it brings it all together. The black sweater had to be added since it is winter, cold and sleeveless was not going to cut it.

I have to say it again, when I saw myself in the mirror I thought I looked better than when I saw these pictures so I hope you like the outfits at least. This experience has been very enlightening and humbling at the same time. I am truly putting myself out there and I don’t think I have ever taken these many pictures of myself in such a short period of time. Even when I go on vacation I don’t take this many.  It is sure helping boost my self-esteem though.

Thank you for reading,
