Hello everyone,
I just would like to share my latest experience with all of you. Last week I went to a conference for teachers and for some reason I thought it would be a more casual environment. Since it was in New Mexico and the weather was much nicer, I decided to take my spring clothes out. As I was packing the bag I made sure I had comfortable shoes since I wasn’t sure how much walking I would have to do there. From the shoes I decided the clothes. To be very honest I repacked the bag a few times as the weather predictions changed throughout the weeks prior to the conference. (Yes, I am one of those crazy OCD people who pack their bags weeks in advance…)
I had to present at the conference and the first outfit I had chosen was going to be a semi professional outfit but since the weather was predicted to be nice, warm and sunny, I decided to change the outfit and chose a much more casual one. Well, when I arrived at the convention center in Albuquerque I immediately felt underdressed, many of the teachers and presenters were wearing business dresses and suits. I, on the other hand, had casual pants with tanks and kimonos. I felt very comfortable but very out of place. I am not sure why I made the decisions I made since usually I have a pretty good idea of how to dress for any occasion. It could be a matter of local culture since I did notice the people from the East coast seemed to be more business dressed and to be honest I think here in the northwest we tend to be a bit more casual.
Who knows what the real reason is and how it really works, I just have to say that some conferences are very casual and others are more formal. I do have another conference coming up in April and now I have to decide what I will take….
I don’t have pictures of my outfits but I will share one of the pictures from the trip with you here.
Thank you for reading,