Time for a change.

Hello everyone,

Today I will talk about the switch I do at least twice a year.  What I mean is the switch in my closet. I, obviously, have too many clothes and we live in a small apartment so when the seasons change I need to change my closet. My lovely husband has built shelves in the garage so we can store my clothes in plastic totes and they stay safe in their “off” season.

One of the best parts about doing this regularly is that it gives me the opportunity to get rid of the clothes I don’t wear anymore or that I did not wear all season long. I also try on a lot of the clothes that were put away to make sure they still fit me and still look ok to wear. This way I refresh my closet often and don’t keep things that don’t need to be kept. I am somewhat of a pack rat when it comes to my clothes, shoes and jewelry. I will be honest, I have a hard time getting rid of stuff but I have been making progress with this.

Anyway, the time has come for me to change my closet to look more like a spring closet. Of course, I could technically have spring, summer, fall and winter closets but since Portland, seasons blend a bit, I usually do spring/summer and fall/winter.  What I have found is that if I wait too long to change out the clothes, I end up buying clothes for the coming season that I probably don’t need. Chances are I already have similar ones, so the sooner I change things out the cheaper it becomes.

Another great thing about changing your closet is that you feel like you have new clothes every season and it is a new beginning every few months.  Also, the sense of cleaning and giving are great. I give away a lot of the clothes that don’t make the cut. Furthermore, my dad always says it is good to open up room for new and better things so it is a win all around. It does take a full afternoon sometimes but at the end the feeling of accomplishment is the best! When I put clothes away I try putting them by groupings of kinds of clothes, like exercise clothes go together, light long sleeve shirts, heavier sweaters, etc.

Anyway, if you are like me and have a lot of clothes, give it a try and swap out your clothes based on the seasons. It is GREAT!!!

Thanks for reading,
