Traveling again…

Packing for an 11-day trip that includes a 7-day cruise is not an easy thing to do. I packed and repacked three times at least and I think I got it right now but only after the whole trip will i know for sure.

I figured I needed a couple of outfits per day, because after a whole day of walking around and exploring the sites I would like a shower to then go watch some shows and have dinner. Ours is the freestyle cruise but it is still nice to wear some nice clothes at night for a change.

I ended up with 19 outfits total (the 19th is just in case we get stuck while traveling back and need to stay somewhere one more night), and 4 pairs of shoes, and for those of you who know me, know this is a difficult thing to imagine… only 4 pairs of shoes???… really???? Hopefully I won’t regret such decision.

Well, stay tuned for how the trip goes and how my outfits worked out…

Thanks for reading,
