Travel etiquette

Hello everyone,

I know my blog is more for fashion but because of my recent travels I feel like I need to share a few things here.

These are just some suggestions to make your traveling more enjoyable and also to help others around you who are trying to enjoy their trip too.

When they call to board the plane, board when it is your turn. I realize each company has their own way of doing it but I get so annoyed with the people cutting in line and even worse is that they let them in anyway. Then, what is the point of having the company’s credit card that one of the benefits is boarding earlier, or paying a bit extra to board earlier if anyone can go in at anytime.

When you get on the plane with your carry-on, follow the instructions of the flight attendants and to be honest most of the planes have the same instructions, put your bags with wheels or handles first so more bags fit in the overhead compartments.  Because of the fees that companies now charge to check bags, more and more travelers are carrying bags into the plane. With that being said, be considerate and place your bag in a way that will leave room for others. Also, you should put your larger bag in the overhead compartment and the smaller one by your feet. Why do some people think these rules don’t apply to them? Why can’t we be considerate of others around us?

When in line to visit different sights in other countries, there is no need to push others. Also, why try to cut in to get ahead? Everyone is trying to get in and if we all cooperate it probably will go much faster.

At the immigration line, which by the way it is ridiculous now because in the US they don’t have designated lines for citizens in some of the airports so you stand there for hours…, everyone is trying to get to their connecting flight and why should I let you in front of me if I am also trying to get to my connecting flight. I realize it is stressful but you can’t put your stress on others.  I do hope they figure something out for these lines because our last trip in which we came in through Chicago was a nightmare. I get the impression that this is a way to force most of us to pay to get the global entry… It is all about the money I guess…

This is for the airport workers: Couldn’t you be a bit nicer to the travelers? Must you be so rude to half of the people that ask for help? It is amazing to me how most people who work in the airports are so rude and inconsiderate to travelers who are tired and sometimes just need some compassion.

Well, sorry for this little rant but I thought I could remind some people of the appropriate etiquette for traveling…

Thank you for reading,
