My 20th First Day…

20th First Day of School

As most of you know, I am a teacher and have been one for most of my life now.  I actually started teaching when I was 14 years old at my parents’ English academy.  I have tried many other jobs throughout my life and teaching always pulled me back in so here I am about 25 years later and I am still teaching.

We were given these t-shirts at work as a Marketing tool and I had to make it so that I looked professional. I think I pulled it off for the most part.  I wore a short navy blue skirt, summer open toe booties, the t-shirt and a long knit vest that had the colors from the t-shirt on it.  I think it looked super cute, but I will be honest, it was a bit warm in the afternoon.  The one big downside of this outfit was that because this was the first day, I had to do a lot of walking around the campus and inevitably I got a blister and had to be careful what I wore the rest of the week. But I thought I looked pretty good all day even though it was a t-shirt.  Normally, I don’t wear t-shirts so this was quite a challenge for me, however, I liked the result.

Thank you for taking time to read this,
