My 40th Birthday…


This week I turned 40. I can honestly say it has not been easy to think of me as a 40 year old woman. I just don’t feel like I can be this old. It is a strange feeling for sure. However, I had a wonderful day and my students showered me with attention.

The cupcakes above I brought for some of them to enjoy, notice they have my favorite color for the frosting. Students wrote sweet cards and sang happy birthday to me. I felt honored and happy to see they took sometime to celebrate me. Thank you!!!

I chose to wear some of the new clothes I had in my closet and had not worn before. So, I had black leggings from Victoria’s Secret (they are really cool because they have some black on black animal print and they fit so well). The jacket was an acquisition from Macy’s and I just fell in love with it the minute I saw it. The most expensive part of my outfit  (unfortunately you cannot really see them) are my shoes. They are the first Dansko shoes I ever got. They are very comfortable and the ones I have are very colorful. I am still getting used to the look they have. I also wore the scarf I got back in Atlanta at the Hard Rock Cafe.

My favorite part of the outfit is my new necklace I got from my husband and children. it is made of resin and wood and was designed by JDonishDesigns. Her pieces are beautiful and very unique.

Well, here I am, officially 40 years old. Thank you for being part of my journey this last year…

XOXOXO Juliana