5 Things to do in the Fall…


Hello everyone,

I am not one to say that I love fall but this year I had some wonderful experiences in the fall.

  1. Going to the Northeast of the US was one of them. The leaves are so beautiful and they make for wonderful pictures. Also, as far as fashion goes, it is a great season because you can show off your outfits without heavy coats and you can have fun with layers too.
  2.  Another great day this fall was at the coast, not too cold that we can barely enjoy ourselves and not rainy either… You saw some of the amazing pictures my husband got of my outfits while wandering around the coasts.
  3. Go shopping with a friend, stopping for a coffee and sitting outside since the weather still permits it.
  4. Go out on photography trips around town and anywhere with trees. It sure helps that my hubby loves photography though… We end up with some great shots.
  5. This one is for children, but I would guess that jumping into a pile of leaves would be amazing…

Sorry everyone, but this week I could not get myself to take a picture of any outfits, frankly I felt like I was not looking good at all because of my size. I am hoping that with the change of seasons I will be up for more pictures…

Thank you for reading,
