Surviving 2020…

Hello everyone,

I am not going to say “What else can 2020 bring?” because it has become very clear that a lot more can happen and 2020 is rising up every time.

The last couple of weeks, we in the Pacific Northwest, suffered with lots of smoke and unprecedented amount of fires and people displaced due to fires. It is so sad to see all of the damage and it was horrible to look outside and see all yellow for a whole week. I felt like I was inside a smoke globe instead of a snow globe.

Thank goodness the rain came yesterday and the air seems to be back to normal but I know there are still fires being fought in some areas. Some days I feel like this is all a test to see if humanity will start behaving better but it does not seem to be working for some.

I have stopped watching the news because frankly, it is just too negative and sad. I really don’t need all this negativity in my life. I am part of a challenge with a friend so I started meditating everyday and because of my new job I am praying several times a day. I have to say, this has made a huge difference in my life. I feel much calmer throughout the day. I feel more centered and ready to take on just about anything. I think I am also happier.

In the last couple of months I have gone to some doctors and to be honest every time I see one I get some bad news (nothing huge, but bad nonetheless). My vitamins levels are really low, my iron is low, I have diabetes and some other small things. Because of all of these, I have been feeling a little more fragile, especially in light of the Coronavirus. I feel that if I were to get it, it would not be pretty and even though I am not very old, I could have some difficulties getting over it.

Well, I am doing the best I can to protect myself and not be exposed. I am thankful Oregon has done a good job at protecting us and our numbers are not nearly as scary as other states.

So, I am taking day by day. I am even afraid to say that I am actually enjoying teaching via Zoom and being able to get up in the morning, and just going to my desk for work. I could definitely get used to this.

This is a trying year, and only meditation and praying will get me through it and to the other side. Here is to better days ahead of us…

Thanks for reading,
