Fall Fashion…

www.reallygreatsite.com by julianasmith0810

Hello everyone,

Here I am again, another week at work and fall weather is officially our new weather. I am loving the new colors this fall. My students’s favorite was the zebra print outfit, which was a surprise.

This week is somewhat of a blur… a couple of the days were a bit off for me so the week passed really fast. Not sure why I was a bit off but oh well, here we are at the end of the week and all is well.

Teaching middle school is quite the crazy ride, some days are hilarious, some are frustrating and some are very rewarding. I used to say that it takes a special person to teach this age group and I stick to it. I hope I am up for the challenge and that I am doing a good job. It sure is fun to get to know the different personalities and what they are interested in at this age. One thing is for sure, they love questions that start with “What if…?”

Well, I think that is all for this week… until next time,