I am back…

Dress from Mansa Wear store in Rochester, NY

Hello everyone,

I have been absent for a couple of weeks now. Well, I have been so busy with school, college classes I teach at night and the pups’s training classes and I sometimes forget to get my picture taken.

Well, last week I had the amazing opportunity of participating in a Jesuit Schools Network Mission and Ministry Gathering in Rochester, NY. It was a peaceful and great gathering. I felt so welcomed and so calm throughout the whole experience. Lots of prayer time, reflection time and learning more about Jesuits and the mission of the schools. One interesting thing was the fact that for the first time in my life I went to an education conference where most attendees were males. Usually there are so many more women at the conferences I normally attend since I attend language related workshops. This time though, there were a lot more men and few women. Not bad, just not what I expected I guess…

On another note, we only had one free evening and I found a wonderful store from Ghana. Mansa Wear is a store owned by a Ghanean who buys the fabric at Woodin and has the clothes made there with their styles in mind. I loved talking to her and got a couple of pieces. She was so nice that she gave me a ride back to the hotel.

Overall it was a great week and amazing experience! God definitely has a plan for me and even though I don’t always know what the plan is I know there is a reason for everything. After all, who would have ever imagined I would be a religion teacher and campus minister? Sometimes things are not very clear but I just need to trust there is a plan.

Thank you for reading,

One thought on “I am back…”

  1. Sounds like you had a great time. Life sometimes leads us into unknown territory. Make the best of it. Who would have ever guessed that I would love working in Special ed and with the lowest students as my favorites!

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