Fall Colors…

Hello everyone,

This was the week to wear Thanksgiving colors. I only had three days at work so here are my outfits. The kids seemed to find them nice. This was a short week of dressing up. The holiday weekend has been very nice and quiet. I am home in my sweats and pajamas taking care of Pepper who got spayed this week.

I have been working on my crafts and soon I will be sharing some of my latest projects. Some are Christmas presents and others are just for fun. I have also wrapped Christmas gifts.

I have been watching a lot of TV. Funny enough I am watching a Brazilian soap opera. It is interesting because it is about human trafficking. Brazilian soap operas serve more than an entertainment purpose. They usually have a topic that teaches the general population. This one is exposing human trafficking of babies and women in special. It is hard to imagine that in this day and age slavery is still happening. The human race has a lot to learn.

On another note, this last week in my Spiritual Exercises I have been reading a lot about sin and forgiveness. It is amazing the power of forgiveness that God has. I am working on becoming more forgiving and letting things go. I think it is a noble goal to have but who knows how long it will take.

Thanks for reading,