Hi everyone,
I know I have been gone for a few weeks, so what happened was this… Lucas started with some cold symptoms one day, we tested him and it was negative. Two days later, I started having symptoms so I tested and you probably have guessed, we all tested positive. A whole week of all four of us stuck in the house. Ben and Thomas had very little symptoms. Needless to say, Ben was like a caged bear, bored out of his mind.
I, on the other hand, was pretty sick and in bed for a few days. I was required to stay home from work for ten days while Ben was able to go back after 5 days. Interestingly enough, I lost my sense of smell the day before going back to work. I had never imagined how much this sense is needed. It was so weird to not be able to smell anything. Thankfully, it is slowly coming back and I can now smell some things again.
COVID can really take it away from one, thankfully, I have been fully vaccinated for over a year and had my booster back in November so I was not nearly as sick as I could have been. It looks like everyone is getting this darn virus now and it is getting harder and harder to protect oneself, so at least I was not as sick as I could have been.
Now we are all back to our normal lives, going about our business. It was interesting to go through the whole process though. Since we actually tested at a laboratory we got phone calls from the Department of Health and had to answer all kinds of questions four different times. They really are trying to keep track of the cases that pop up.
Well, thank you for reading,