Fall Looks…

Fall #2…

Hello everyone,

I have been so busy at this new job but I am absolutely loving it. I had forgotten how much I love being with high schoolers. This place has welcomed me as part of the family and I am so very happy there.

Well, I have been busy planning lessons, grading and teaching. So I have been absent from here lately. Here I added a lot of different looks from the past couple of months. This was a warm fall so my outfits look like summer even though there were worn in the fall.

Many of the outfits are from Brazil and some are from here. A lot of the jewelry is also from there. We got to dress up one day for an event at the school. That was a nice change to our routine.

Thank you for reading,


Back to school…

New School Year

Hello everyone,

Just a quick note to tell everyone how much I love my new job and also to share a couple of the new outfits I wore the first week. They are both from Brazil and I received many compliments with both.



Working with High School students is definitely my thing and I feel so much more at home at the high school level. Students are great and everyone is so nice to me. Parents said they were impressed with my Back to School Night Presentation. It is nice to feel so special and appreciated.

Thank you for reading and until next time…


Last week of March…

Red and Yellow
Lulu and Pepper at the Tulip Farm

Hello evereyone,

These are just the last few days of March…. Work outfits…

We also went to the Tulip Farm on Saturday morning and it was a great outing with our girls. Beautiful flowers, Ben got some amazing pictures of the flowers.

I am also considering changing a few things on my blog and the direction I will take it… Hopefully, I can make the change soon.

Stay tuned!!!


Spring Break on the Coast

Ocean Shores
More green clothes since I now have the perfect glasses for them.

Hello everyone,

We went to the coast for part of the Spring Break this year. It was nice and relaxing, but really cold. We walked on the beach, collected pebbles, reflected on all that is going on in my life, prayed, and relaxed.

While at the Timeshare, I got to do some coloring and some bible journaling too. That was good for my soul too. This was probably one of the quietest spring breaks I have ever had and it was ok.

Thank you for reading,

Life after COVID

Gorgeous purse via Julie Winterton #SugarBowl
New necklace from Brazil via Dona Dorita.

Hi everyone,

I know I have been gone for a few weeks, so what happened was this… Lucas started with some cold symptoms one day, we tested him and it was negative. Two days later, I started having symptoms so I tested and you probably have guessed, we all tested positive. A whole week of all four of us stuck in the house. Ben and Thomas had very little symptoms. Needless to say, Ben was like a caged bear, bored out of his mind.

I, on the other hand, was pretty sick and in bed for a few days. I was required to stay home from work for ten days while Ben was able to go back after 5 days. Interestingly enough, I lost my sense of smell the day before going back to work. I had never imagined how much this sense is needed. It was so weird to not be able to smell anything. Thankfully, it is slowly coming back and I can now smell some things again.

COVID can really take it away from one, thankfully, I have been fully vaccinated for over a year and had my booster back in November so I was not nearly as sick as I could have been. It looks like everyone is getting this darn virus now and it is getting harder and harder to protect oneself, so at least I was not as sick as I could have been.

Now we are all back to our normal lives, going about our business. It was interesting to go through the whole process though. Since we actually tested at a laboratory we got phone calls from the Department of Health and had to answer all kinds of questions four different times. They really are trying to keep track of the cases that pop up.

Well, thank you for reading,


Another week at work…

Winter week at work

Hello everyone,

Lulu wanted to be part of the pictures this week. At least she knows how to pose for the pictures. This week was interesting, very few kids left in person and some staff members also out. This new variant of COVID has gotten ahold of a lot of people.

On the weekend we went out and restaurants were really struggling. One had a 2 1/2 hour wait, another only had half of it open because they only had one waiter and two cooks. They even closed at 4 for lack of people. Many still think this is because of the unemployment people get paid, but this time around, I think it is more about people being sick. It is so sad to see what is happening.

Lines everywhere, signs of ‘Help Wanted’ in every window, people running low on patience. So sad… 🙁

Well, let’s see what the new week brings us…

First week after the break…

Hello everyone,

I have found that bright pink is my color. I hove the pictures where I am wearing these bright pink shirts. Even though this was a rainy, gloomy week, I decided to wear bright colors as much as possible. I did wear black for Mass day to be a little more subtle.

The green skirt is my own creation with fabric I brought back from Ghana a couple of years ago. On these pictures I can see myself a bit smaller, that is a nice feeling. It has taken me a while to get to this point.

On another note, this was a difficult week, the numbers of cases of COVID are going up really fast and we had a weird week at school. These are strange times and I am still hoping for more normal days.

I will be prayer for better days and easier weeks ahead…

Thank you for reading,