Valentine’s Day…

Hello everyone,

Well, this was a tough week for me and all of my co-workers and students. Our university announced Monday that it will be closing on April 30th. It was a surprise so it has been a week full of emotions and fears.

So here I am, yesterday was Valentine’s Day and I decided I needed a date night with my hubby. I dressed in red to celebrate and also had a huge dessert which was what I needed I think.

I have to say that dressing up and going out can help when one is feeling down. I felt much better by the end of the night. I thoughtI should share my outfit since it was red and perfect for the occasion.

Stay tuned for a possible promotion I will be running soon… Tell your friends to join the fun and read my blog too…

Thank you,


Black and white Checkers…

Black and White

Hello everyone,

Here I am again, today I decided to wear all black and gray and my glasses were the focal point of the outfit. I did not get any compliments but I felt good about myself. At the end of the day, that is what matters most.

This year I thought I could go on a diet or try to loose weight but I am not feeling it. I have so many other things I have been worrying about that I don’t feel like I have the time to devote to a real diet. I also think I need to accept my body and be happy with it. It is a hard thing to do but it is the healthier thing to do. Of course I would like to be smaller and possibly healthier but I also want to be happy.

Curves are ok and I should accept them. I will keep working on finding the perfect outfits to make me look and feel good rather than fat and that should help matters. I think society and our culture likes to shame those of us who are bigger and it is hard to not pay attention to that. I have had weight issues and complexes my whole life and I used to be much smaller. So, really I could never make everyone happy so why bother. I should worry about making myself happy and that is it.



Back to work…

Hello everyone,

Here we are in 2020 and I am already back to work. I have tried to make some resolutions but really all I really want is to surround myself with happy thoughts and ideas.

I started out right with my outfits I guess. I got a lot of compliments on this shirt so good start to the new year.

I wish you all a wonderful year and much happiness.

Thanks for reading,


Happy New Year!

Hello everyone,

Happy New Year!

I know, I know, I had already posted a picture with this outfit but it is a white shirt and according to Brazilian tradition we wear white on New Year’s Eve. It is a gorgeous shirt so I save it for special occasions.

When the new year starts everyone makes promises or decides to change something in their lives. It is a new beginning after all. The problem with all these promises is to keep them all. It is difficult because a lot of these changes are major things. But there is that hope that this year will be different. I am not going to lie, 2019 was a difficult year for me. Nothing huge happened that would make me say that but several little things happened. I lost a couple dear people and that was sad especially since I am so far away and was not able to say my goodbyes. Then I started having trouble with anxiety and depression. Also, there were a lot of changes at work. All of these things made it for a hard year. On the other hand, there were also some great things that happened. I made my first trip to Africa and visited a dear friend in Ghana. I have never felt so at home in a country as I did in Ghana and that is why I am going back this year. We also went to Hawaii for our family vacation and spending some time on the beach was AMAZING and definitely helpful. I also went to Dublin and had a great experience with my mom and my boys, all and all, it was also a good year. I guess, when one is feeling signs of depression, everything seems a little darker, but I am trying really hard to remember the fun things I did too.

So here we are, starting a new year, I have not made any promises or any decisions to change anything major. So, I sit here trying to imagine how this year is going to go and what I should focus on. Professionally I really want to publish, maybe this will be my year. As far as my personal life goes, we have a couple of big trips planned and I am hoping to see many of my childhood friends too. The only problem with high expectations is that they can leave people disappointed. So here is to hoping and wishing for all good things this year.

I had been feeling pretty good for the past few weeks and today I had a hard day but I am here trying to get out of this slump. I guess it is back to one day at a time and hoping I will get out of this again. Over break I was able to feel like myself again for a few days, I made several crafts, I sewed and I even went shopping a couple of times (that hadn’t happened in a while). So I know I can get out of this and I can feel better soon enough.

As always, thank you for reading and until next time,
