Hello everyone,
I am not going to lie, I have a huge wardrobe. I mean, I have a lot of clothes and never enough room to put them away. I actually switch off my closet when winter comes around and then again in the summer. It frankly drives my husband crazy the amount of clothes and shoes I have but he has come to the point where he just helps me find more room and be more creative about storage.
Because of my weight, I love shoes in particular. No matter what size I am, the shoes always fit so it makes me happy. I have so many pairs of shoes that my former high school students wrote an article about me and my shoes in the school newspaper. Throughout the years, my style has changed because of the different jobs and places I worked. The changes happened because of the situation and the demands of the job. Once, I had a job where I had to wear nylons everyday and that is when I found out I am allergic to nylons and had to change jobs. Since then I have found many ways around wearing nylons. I will share them here when the time comes.
My clothes are a true expression of who I am, most people totally see me when they see all the colors and compositions I wear. I don’t own a lot of black other than just some key pieces, but I always wear something colorful with the black. Brown is still a work in progress… my grandma used to say I looked like a cup of chocolate milk when I wore brown so I always avoided it. I do get my style from my grandma, she was very stylish till the day she died.
I am hoping to add a few pictures each week with a little blurb about the brands and where I got them. By the way, even though I own a lot of clothes, I buy them all on sale or with coupons. I don’t like paying full price for anything.
I hope you enjoy joining me on this new journey!
Thank you for reading,
This is me with my boys last year at the cruise we took to Mexico. This is a nice gray dress from Maurices and the little mint green sweater is from Gap. I love the dress for winter but it is sleeveless so I had to get creative.