Lulu wanted to be part of the pictures this week. At least she knows how to pose for the pictures. This week was interesting, very few kids left in person and some staff members also out. This new variant of COVID has gotten ahold of a lot of people.
On the weekend we went out and restaurants were really struggling. One had a 2 1/2 hour wait, another only had half of it open because they only had one waiter and two cooks. They even closed at 4 for lack of people. Many still think this is because of the unemployment people get paid, but this time around, I think it is more about people being sick. It is so sad to see what is happening.
Lines everywhere, signs of ‘Help Wanted’ in every window, people running low on patience. So sad… 🙁
I have found that bright pink is my color. I hove the pictures where I am wearing these bright pink shirts. Even though this was a rainy, gloomy week, I decided to wear bright colors as much as possible. I did wear black for Mass day to be a little more subtle.
The green skirt is my own creation with fabric I brought back from Ghana a couple of years ago. On these pictures I can see myself a bit smaller, that is a nice feeling. It has taken me a while to get to this point.
On another note, this was a difficult week, the numbers of cases of COVID are going up really fast and we had a weird week at school. These are strange times and I am still hoping for more normal days.
I will be prayer for better days and easier weeks ahead…
Over Thanksgiving break I made this Barbie Doll House. It was a lot of fun and I gave it as a gift to my colleague’s daughters since I don’t have any girls.
I made most things. The only thing I bought were the tubs, toilets and chairs. The rest was all made with repurposed materials. Cardboard boxes, scraps of wood, paper clips, beads, craft paper, fabric, etc.
I watched lots of videos and others who had done similar things and made my own. The whole house is three-stories high and has two suites, a living room, a dining room and a kitchen. Hope you enjoy the video and pictures.
So this Christmas break we did something different. We went to Maui and spent a few days enjoying the sun and the beach. My mother had been dreaming of going to the beach and during winter it was really just a dream. So here we are in the water enjoying an afternoon in the ocean. It is a dream come true to do this on December 23rd… It took us back to our time in Brazil when we always went to the beach at Christmas time. Too bad it was so short…
Hawaii, the road to Hana
I have to say I love the pictures with these sunglasses. I wish I could take all my pictures with them 🙂
Working on Christmas seasonChristmas week outfitsRed for Christmas
Hello everyone,
So this last week of school before Christmas I decided I should dress in Christmas colors. Unfortunately, I forgot to get a picture of my Friday’s outfit. I think I did ok with the greens and reds. My 6th grade ladies really approved of my outfits and asked if I would be adding them here, so here they are.
This has been a strange year and I was glad to get it done and to get a longer break to relax now. I have learned a lot about myself this past few months. It has been a great journey and I am very blessed for these opportunities.
The girls got to take a picture with Santa this year…Lulu has her PhD at this point. So many graduations.Family picture of this yearThese are a couple of the outfits I wore last week.
Hello everyone,
Not too many news to tell everyone but next week I will have a video and pictures of my latest craft creation…. Stay tuned…
This was the week to wear Thanksgiving colors. I only had three days at work so here are my outfits. The kids seemed to find them nice. This was a short week of dressing up. The holiday weekend has been very nice and quiet. I am home in my sweats and pajamas taking care of Pepper who got spayed this week.
I have been working on my crafts and soon I will be sharing some of my latest projects. Some are Christmas presents and others are just for fun. I have also wrapped Christmas gifts.
I have been watching a lot of TV. Funny enough I am watching a Brazilian soap opera. It is interesting because it is about human trafficking. Brazilian soap operas serve more than an entertainment purpose. They usually have a topic that teaches the general population. This one is exposing human trafficking of babies and women in special. It is hard to imagine that in this day and age slavery is still happening. The human race has a lot to learn.
On another note, this last week in my Spiritual Exercises I have been reading a lot about sin and forgiveness. It is amazing the power of forgiveness that God has. I am working on becoming more forgiving and letting things go. I think it is a noble goal to have but who knows how long it will take.
I have finally remembered to take some pictures after school. I have gone back to wearing my bangs for a while. I have also been enjoying the new looks that I am now able to wear because I have lost weight. I am still struggling to accept that I am much smaller, and just recently bought some pants that I had to go exchange because they were 2 sizes too big. It felt good, needless to say.
Middle school continues to have its ups and downs, some days are great and some days are a bit more difficult. But it is still fun because some days those kids can really make me laugh…
The last outfit was a huge success and I haven’t gotten that many compliments for one single clothing item in a long time. At first I wondered if I would be brave enough but then I decided that if anyone could pull it off, it would be me, and I did!!!
I am currently going through a journey of self discovery through the Ignatian Spiritual exercises and it has been very interesting. I think I am discovering a new side of myself and things are changing for me and the way I approach things. I will continue to give updates here.
I have been absent for a couple of weeks now. Well, I have been so busy with school, college classes I teach at night and the pups’s training classes and I sometimes forget to get my picture taken.
Well, last week I had the amazing opportunity of participating in a Jesuit Schools Network Mission and Ministry Gathering in Rochester, NY. It was a peaceful and great gathering. I felt so welcomed and so calm throughout the whole experience. Lots of prayer time, reflection time and learning more about Jesuits and the mission of the schools. One interesting thing was the fact that for the first time in my life I went to an education conference where most attendees were males. Usually there are so many more women at the conferences I normally attend since I attend language related workshops. This time though, there were a lot more men and few women. Not bad, just not what I expected I guess…
On another note, we only had one free evening and I found a wonderful store from Ghana. Mansa Wear is a store owned by a Ghanean who buys the fabric at Woodin and has the clothes made there with their styles in mind. I loved talking to her and got a couple of pieces. She was so nice that she gave me a ride back to the hotel.
Overall it was a great week and amazing experience! God definitely has a plan for me and even though I don’t always know what the plan is I know there is a reason for everything. After all, who would have ever imagined I would be a religion teacher and campus minister? Sometimes things are not very clear but I just need to trust there is a plan.
Here I am again, another week at work and fall weather is officially our new weather. I am loving the new colors this fall. My students’s favorite was the zebra print outfit, which was a surprise.
This week is somewhat of a blur… a couple of the days were a bit off for me so the week passed really fast. Not sure why I was a bit off but oh well, here we are at the end of the week and all is well.
Teaching middle school is quite the crazy ride, some days are hilarious, some are frustrating and some are very rewarding. I used to say that it takes a special person to teach this age group and I stick to it. I hope I am up for the challenge and that I am doing a good job. It sure is fun to get to know the different personalities and what they are interested in at this age. One thing is for sure, they love questions that start with “What if…?”
Well, I think that is all for this week… until next time,